Here's another newspaper clipping I have in my old trunk in the attic to share. It's from the Dawson County Pioneer, January 18, 1896. These small town newspapers are wonderful for the gossipy kind of news! I doubt many of them will be digitized within my lifetime, so I will just try to contribute a little in hopes that it might help someone. This is just the "Personal" column. The "Apportionment of State School Money in Dawson County" column may appear in a later issue.
Dawson County Pioneer
Lexington, Neb., Saturday, January 18, 1896
Dr. Case was called to Elm Creek Wednesday.
Fred Y. Robertson was up from Kearney Monday.
Sam Schooley was down from Cozad Tuesday.
R. Roe and wife, of Overton were city visitors Tuesday.
Gen. Dilworth was transacting business in the city, Monday.
Mike O'Brien, Cozad, paid the county seat a visit Tuesday.
W. A. Crandall, of Overton, was doing the city Wednesday.
Mrs. Dr. House was visiting with friends at Kearney Wednesday.
Doc Bird, of Gothenburg, was in the city transacting business Monday.
John W. Webster arrived home from Osceola, Iowa, Wednesday night.
F. H. Farnsworth, of Elm Creek, was quartered at the Cornland Thursday.
Dr. Bancroft returned home Thursday night from a business trip to Omaha.
Attorney Warrington arrived home Monday from a business trip to Denver.
Ole Jensen, a Cayote Precinct farmer, was a welcome caller at this office Tuesday.
Matt Wilson and wife, of Overton Precinct, were trading in Lexington Wednesday.
E. B. Penney has been at Seward most of the week looking after business matters.
Mrs. E. D. Johnson and little son Roy, took their departure last night for Dayton, Oregon.
Attorney Thos. H. Matters, of Harvard, was in the city Monday, called here on legal business.
John Abel, who came over from Beaver City last week, left Monday for Mobile, Alabama.
Miss Zelphia Squire is now an attentive and courteous clerk in J. C. Barnes' store on Washington street.
John Bell, who has been visiting for several weeks at Kearney and Lincoln, arrived home Monday.
C. C. McKee, Chris Voss, Jerry Costin and J. W. Bernard, Willow Islanders, were in the city Wednesday
Jos. Teahon, of Omaha, representing the Wabash road, was transacting business in Lexington Thursday.
Dr. W. P. Smith left Gothenburg Monday long enough to say "howdy" to a few friends in Lexington.
S. A. Rollins, of Fostoria, Ohio, is visiting with his brother-in-law, John Forrest, of North Gosper county.
Editor John B. Donaldson, of the Cozad Meridian Star, encompassed Lexington found and about Tuesday.
Mrs. John Patterson left last Sunday for North Bend, this state, where she will visit for a few weeks with a sister.
Ex-County Supt. Kate Bonar left yesterday for York, Nebraska, where she will remain for an indefinite time.
C. N. Whaley, foreman of L. W. Olive's ranche, Platte Precinct, was in the city yesterday and made this office a pleasant call.Wm. Watkinson, a farmer of Hillside precinct, took his departure Thursday for Iowa. He will visit for a few weeks with relatives near Cedar Rapids.
Mrs. and Mrs. G. B. Darr, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Quinby and Mrs. and Mrs. E. E. Abbott were entertained last Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gatliff, of the south side.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner, passed through the city Monday on their way home to Lincoln from their wedding trip. Mrs. Gardner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson, met them at the depot.
The county commissioners will meet again next Thursday.
A few cases of "black-leg" among young cattle on the south side are reported.
R. F. James has purchased I. W. Olive's interest in the meat market of Scott & Olive. The new firm will be known as A. E. Scott & Co.
C. H. Ballinger yesterday shipped a carload of his fine sheep to Stevenson, Buffalo county, having sold the same to parties for breeding purposes.
An accident occurred Sunday night last to the locomotive drawing passenger train No. 3, as the train was entering Kearney, by which engineer Wm. Whitlock was severely scalded on the face and hands. He was taken to his home at North Platte and will soon be about again.
W. L. Greene is now judge of this judicial district, having been sworn in as such last week by his predecessor, Judge Sinclair. His stenographer is Charles B. Scott of Kearney. The PIONEER trusts that Judge Greene's incumbency of the important position he holds may be characterized with honor to the district and credit to himself.
The case of C. R. Anthony vs the Union Pacific Railway Company was heard before County Judge Roberts Thursday. The suit was brought by Mr. Anthony to recover $75 for the destruction of a carriage by one of the company's locomotives on Washington street crossing, this city, some months ago. Warrington & Stewart appeared for the plaintiff, while the defendant's interests were looked after by H. T. Leavitt, of Omaha. A jury was waived and the case was tried to the court, who after hearing evidence and argument gave judgement for plaintff for $30.
ROBB - On Wednesday, January 15, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robb, of Omaha, a son.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Benjamin Franklin Spann & Hiley Ann Deckor

From a transcription of marriage records: "SPANN, Benjamin F. and Mary "Hiley" Ann Decker. Surety, Abner Decker, Married 5 May 1852 by William Simpson at the house of Abner Decker on Beaver Creek in Wayne. Groom resides in Wayne, age "Not known", born in Wayne, bride resides in Wayne, born at Abner Deckers house on Beaver Creek, a maiden." In 1852, Hiley Ann would have been 15, Ben was 24. They were married for 32 years.
Ben & Hiley had 10 children:
- Abner Hartwell (1854-1952)
- Amanda Susan (1855-1942)
- Telitha Ann (1858-?)
- Juda or Julia Angeline (1860-1949)
- Polly Ann (1863-1885) buried near her parents
- Margarett Jane (1866-1928)
- Tranquilla J "Frannie" (1870-1892)
- Allie Lucinda (1971-1959)
- Hilda Etta (1877-1958)
- Marrion Washington (1882-1959) his birth year varies on records, I wasn't sure if he was the son of Hiley or Mattie at first. His draft registration has his birth year as 1882, so I'm going with that.
After Hiley died, Ben remarried to Mattie (Martha Elizabeth) Conley and had 6 more children:
- Lewis died young
- William Henry (1889-1948)
- Stacey (1891-?)
- Bertha Mae (1892-1972)
- Frank (twin) died in infancy
- Jessie (twin) died in infancy (* Interesting names for twins in this time period)
Benjamin Franklin Spann was born October 18, 1827 in Williamson County, Tennessee. He died December 15, 1901 at age 74. Census records show he was a farmer and he never learned to read or write. In 1870 his parents, Hartwell "Jack" and Mary (Bonds), were living with him and his family. Jack was blind. In 1880 Mary had died and Jack had remarried to Susan Culver. They live in a poor house, no longer with Ben's family. In 1900, Ben is widowed from his second wife and his daughter Allie, also widowed, and her son live with him. None of the children from his second marriage are living with them and they would range in age from 8 to 11. I've possibly found some of them living as "boarders" in other households.
Someday I will get back to Wayne County. When we visit my husband's family in Marion County, I could possibly take a day trip to Monticello. Spend some time at the library, the county courthouse, and I'm very curious to see what kind of shape the Spann Cemetery is in now. It's been nearly 20 years since I was there.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Wordless Wednesday - Spann Cemetery
In this grove of trees is the Spann Cemetery in Wayne County, Kentucky.
I apologize for the poor quality photo, it's a screen shot from paused video.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Newspaper Clippings - Henry, Illinois 1876
I have this copy from microfilm from the Henry Republican, May 18, 1876. Listed here are mentions of some people in the copy. Chances may be slim, but I'll share this just in case it might help someone out. Just let me know!
John Tremain and Robert Norman are farming this year in the vicinity of Camp Grove.
Mrs. Finney's being ill, no school was held in the primary department Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Chamberlain conducts religious services at St John's Episcopal church on Sunday morning and evening.
James E. Noyes of Bradford is off on a trip to Boston. He will return by way of Philadelphia, some time next month.
Elder Shelton will preach at Wenona tonight, at Lone Tree Sunday morning and at the old Presbyterian church Sunday evening.
P. H. Bender, the tailor, formerly here, but latterly located in business at Wyoming, is closing out and will move to Union county, Iowa.
The sociable of the New Church society meets with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chrisborn on tomorrow evening. All are cordially invited to be present.
Mr. and Nehemiah Merritt spent last Sabbath in Henry. They seem to be renewing their youth, as they were looking quite healthy and well.
Booked for the centennial - A. C. Chrisborn and family, Henry Keeler and family, Rev. P. A. Crist and wife, and Mrs. J. W. Sinclair of Henry, Robert McDonough and family of Saratoga.
Rev. H. P. Roberts of Galesburg closed his ministrations here on Sunday last. He made a wide acquaintance while here, preached many fine sermons and we hope done much good to our community. We hope he "may never labor in vain" wherever he goes.
John Martin will have a public sale on Saturday of next week. His home premises he wants to sell in two five acre pieces, one containing his dwelling, and the other his barn. He will also at the same time dispose of several buggies and a number of other things. See advertisement or posters for other particulars.
Miss Martha Raymond is dressmaking again, and has begun engaged upon some superior work. We were shown a specimen of her work Tuesday evening - a dress she had just completed - which was richly and tastefully trimmed, and reflected great credit on the skillful, [?] hands that put it together. Miss R. has few equals in cutting, fitting or sewing.
James Hadley of Peoria, the carpet man, wants to be claimed with those carrying the heaviest line of goods among the dealers in that city. He has a vast array of rolls of carpets of all kinds and for all purposes, [more that is very hard to read]
J. W. Falkner will visit Henry on Friday and Saturday of this week in the interest of a work entitled "Prayer and its Remarkable Answers" by Wm. W. Patton of Chicago, formerly chief editor of the Advance. This is a work which should be in the hands of every believer, as it will tend to increase his faith. But all will find it of advantage to read, as it will give true ideas of the nature of prayer, conditions of success in prayer, and the mode of answer to prayer. Although published last December, it has already reached its eighth thousand which has just been issued, after revision by the author.
John McGrath, who owns the Rupp farm in Whitefield, while plowing last Friday, came upon a nest of nine wolf pups about a month old, all of which he captured and killed. The nest evidently had been made within two days. The old wolf, no doubt being disturbed and harnessed by dogs, had brought and secreted them on Mr. McGrath's place. Mr. McGrath would like to have received a bounty for this haul, but seems to think he done a good thing for himself and neighborhood in slaughtering the animals.
The storm of Saturday blew down several trees in town, and deluged the country with one of the heaviest rains we have experienced for a long time. Mr. William Foedick's new barn was struck during the day, the lightning cavorting around among the shingles and then running down a perpendicular post into the ground. Fortunately no great damage was done.
Mr. J. G. Armstrong ("Beemus) has been engaged to write up Ellsworth's pencil sketches of Marshall and Putnam counties. He will also embellish the columns of the Home Journal with occasional writings from his versatile and witty pencil.
Moses Hartley of Saratoga recently sold to A. J. Sturn 18 hogs, 11 months old, that averaged 365 pounds; another lot purchased from Phillip Devou of Milo, same age, average 370 pounds.
Advertisements for Magnolia Drug Store, Misses H. A. & B. Fyffe; Harwood & Douglas Boots & Shoes; The Hanna Wagon, W. A. Hanna
John Tremain and Robert Norman are farming this year in the vicinity of Camp Grove.
Mrs. Finney's being ill, no school was held in the primary department Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Chamberlain conducts religious services at St John's Episcopal church on Sunday morning and evening.
James E. Noyes of Bradford is off on a trip to Boston. He will return by way of Philadelphia, some time next month.
Elder Shelton will preach at Wenona tonight, at Lone Tree Sunday morning and at the old Presbyterian church Sunday evening.
P. H. Bender, the tailor, formerly here, but latterly located in business at Wyoming, is closing out and will move to Union county, Iowa.
The sociable of the New Church society meets with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chrisborn on tomorrow evening. All are cordially invited to be present.
Mr. and Nehemiah Merritt spent last Sabbath in Henry. They seem to be renewing their youth, as they were looking quite healthy and well.
Booked for the centennial - A. C. Chrisborn and family, Henry Keeler and family, Rev. P. A. Crist and wife, and Mrs. J. W. Sinclair of Henry, Robert McDonough and family of Saratoga.
Rev. H. P. Roberts of Galesburg closed his ministrations here on Sunday last. He made a wide acquaintance while here, preached many fine sermons and we hope done much good to our community. We hope he "may never labor in vain" wherever he goes.
John Martin will have a public sale on Saturday of next week. His home premises he wants to sell in two five acre pieces, one containing his dwelling, and the other his barn. He will also at the same time dispose of several buggies and a number of other things. See advertisement or posters for other particulars.
Miss Martha Raymond is dressmaking again, and has begun engaged upon some superior work. We were shown a specimen of her work Tuesday evening - a dress she had just completed - which was richly and tastefully trimmed, and reflected great credit on the skillful, [?] hands that put it together. Miss R. has few equals in cutting, fitting or sewing.
James Hadley of Peoria, the carpet man, wants to be claimed with those carrying the heaviest line of goods among the dealers in that city. He has a vast array of rolls of carpets of all kinds and for all purposes, [more that is very hard to read]
J. W. Falkner will visit Henry on Friday and Saturday of this week in the interest of a work entitled "Prayer and its Remarkable Answers" by Wm. W. Patton of Chicago, formerly chief editor of the Advance. This is a work which should be in the hands of every believer, as it will tend to increase his faith. But all will find it of advantage to read, as it will give true ideas of the nature of prayer, conditions of success in prayer, and the mode of answer to prayer. Although published last December, it has already reached its eighth thousand which has just been issued, after revision by the author.
John McGrath, who owns the Rupp farm in Whitefield, while plowing last Friday, came upon a nest of nine wolf pups about a month old, all of which he captured and killed. The nest evidently had been made within two days. The old wolf, no doubt being disturbed and harnessed by dogs, had brought and secreted them on Mr. McGrath's place. Mr. McGrath would like to have received a bounty for this haul, but seems to think he done a good thing for himself and neighborhood in slaughtering the animals.
The storm of Saturday blew down several trees in town, and deluged the country with one of the heaviest rains we have experienced for a long time. Mr. William Foedick's new barn was struck during the day, the lightning cavorting around among the shingles and then running down a perpendicular post into the ground. Fortunately no great damage was done.
Mr. J. G. Armstrong ("Beemus) has been engaged to write up Ellsworth's pencil sketches of Marshall and Putnam counties. He will also embellish the columns of the Home Journal with occasional writings from his versatile and witty pencil.
Moses Hartley of Saratoga recently sold to A. J. Sturn 18 hogs, 11 months old, that averaged 365 pounds; another lot purchased from Phillip Devou of Milo, same age, average 370 pounds.
Advertisements for Magnolia Drug Store, Misses H. A. & B. Fyffe; Harwood & Douglas Boots & Shoes; The Hanna Wagon, W. A. Hanna
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