Sunday, December 6, 2015

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - Santa Claus

When my daughter asked me point blank if Santa was real, I told her yes he was, but that he gets help from Mom & Dad.  It broke my heart when she cried.  She was about 8 years old.  I don't have a memory of finding that out when I was a kid, but I do remember when I recognized the guy playing Santa at the church program.  He was a guy who came out to our farm occasionally.  We didn't go anywhere specifically to see Santa Claus, he was always at the church Christmas program.  He handed out a little brown sack of peanuts and an apple, maybe a little candy.

On Christmas morning when I was little, things appeared under the tree that were not wrapped.  Those were the gifts Santa had brought for us during the night.  Santa also filled our stockings with a few small things.  That was the way it happened for my daughter too.  Santa works that way.

“The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at”

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