DeWitt Times, Thursday, May 24,1923
"Laborers and teams wanted Beatrice, Nebraska, 40 3 Abel Construction Co.
Will furnish pasture for two head of town cows, 3 blocks from Burlington depot. Inquire at this office.
R. W. Venrick was called to Clatonia last Sunday to conduct the funeral of the late Frank Roscoe.
Mrs. Gladys Anderson of Waverly, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Lidgard the last of the week.
Harness and Shoe Repairing. New Harness, Collars and Flynets on hand. Open nights. adv 42 A. F. Friesen
Roy C. Reid and family of Nemaha, Nebr., were visiting the formers mother, Mrs. R. P. Vanderploeg, Friday and Saturday of last week.
The list of graduates published in this paper last week was incomplete, in as much as it did not contain the name of Miss Bernice Weibel, who is a member of the class.
Dale Reid and wife of University place visited the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ladner over Sunday. Miss Blanche Ladner of Lincoln accompanied them on the trip and paid a visit to the folks here.
Dr. Stivers, Specialist in spinal treatment of chronic and nervous diseases of men, Women and children will be at Mrs. Will Kiburzs residence each week from noon until 2:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - adv 38
The Farmers Union are holding a picnic Tuesday, May 29th in the Ebke grove one mile west of DeWitt on north side of Turkey Creek. Every body is invited. Games and amusements with a big basket dinner is the program. Ball games before and after dinner.
We believe that every organization should have a publicity committee, when publicity is wanted. As an illustration we just heard that the Volunteer Fireman had a banquet a couple of weeks ago, to which the members of the Village board were invited.
Clatonia News Items
Miss Naomi Lohmeyer of Lincoln, Nebr., a former resident of this town visited the latter part of the week with friends and relatives.
Elmer Vonderfecht was taken to Lincoln last Wednesday and operated on at one of the hospitals. He is doing very nicely.
Miss Marie Rohe, who has been living in Omaha for some time was brought to Lincoln last week to one of the hospitals for treatment.
The school play "Her Honor the Mayor" put on last Saturday evening by the Junior Class of the high school, was greeted with a full house and the work done was exceptionally good and the audience was well pleased. The little folks from the primary room put on a few songs between acts which made a great hit with the audience.
Mrs. Henry Rohop had the misfortune to lose her pocket book containing $57, while on her way to town last Saturday morning.
Mrs. Kyle from Canada arrived Saturday morning to attend the funeral of her brother, Frank Roscoe.
Rev. L. D. Burham, Assistant pastor of the Trinity church of Lincoln will fill the pulpit of the First M. E. Church at this place next Sunday morning, for Rev. Scott, who will preach at the Trinity Church, Lincoln, at the same hour.
Rev. Hermand, Dist. Supt. of Lincoln held quarterly services at the Salem M. E. Church Sunday evening.
Next Friday being the last day of school for this term, a community picnic will be held and every body is invited to come.
The Night Hawk Orchestra from DeWitt gave a dance in the Clatonia Hall last Wednesday evening which was well attended."