Sunday, December 30, 2018

Newspaper Clippings - Cozad, Nebraska, 1897

Meridian Star, January 29, 1897

Column 1
C. C. Banks will sell you groceries as cheap as any merchant in Cozad. Give him a trial.
The three children of F. P. Corrick and wife are reported on the sick list. 
Go to W. J. Neuens for everything in the line of hardware. He sells it at hard time prices.
Geo. W. Fine has shipped several car loads of hogs to South Omaha this week.
Place your advertisement in the STAR and get quick returns. It will pay you.
When you desire first class pictures, remember that Al Miller does that class of work. At Cozad every Monday.
Attorney W. W. Smith transacted business at Stockville the fore part of the week.
See the Greatest line of working shirts ever shown in Cozad at Brown & Davies.
W. J. Neuens will make a change in his ad next week, which will be of interest to STAR readers.
T. E. Forsyth who has been visiting his brother D. D. Forsyth, left Tuesday for Custer county.
Hiram VanCleave is now employed in Dunning's meat market. W. L. Hicks having quit to engage in other business.
We clean up our stock every season by selling odd lengths at whatever price they will bring. Brown & Davies.
W. J. Neuens has the largest and most Complete line of shelf and heavy Hardware. Also Tinware, and Woodenware in Dawson county, and sells it on a small margin for cash.
Dr. G. R. Salisbury, Painless Dentist will be in Cozad Friday and Saturday, after the third (3) Monday in each month, and at Gothenburg Wednesday and Thursday after the third (3) Monday. Crown and Bridge work neatly done. Prices reasonable. All work warranted for one year.

Column 2
Bed Rock Grocers are Brown & Davies
W. J. Neuens will pay one cent more than market price for corn on account.
Do not forget to go to Owens & Lyon for a barrel of apples, 3 bu. to the barrel.
T. Rippey will do light delivery to all parts of the city. When in need of him leave orders at the Allen Bros. Store.
Mrs. G. D. Woods has been considerable under the weather during the past ten days.
Scott Dunn sold fifty-one head of cattle to a Mr. Spencer of Elm Creek last week at good prices.
C. C. Banks is among the ailing ones in this community this week, having been laid up with a severe cold.
Rev. W. H. Forsyth, of Overton visited a portion of this week in Cozad, the guest of his brother David and family.
William Bailey has lost a number of horses during the past few days, supposed as a result of pasturing in corn stalks.
Remember that Al Miller is at his gallery every Monday, and during the next thirty days he will continue making cabinet pictures at $2.00 per dozen.
A manhead blew off of the engine at the Cozad mills yesterday morning which necessitated shutting down the mill one day.
Wednesday of this week Harry Lefler met with quite a painful accident while assisting in putting away ice. He was attempting to back a wagon loaded with ice by stepping on the spokes of the wheel, and in so doing his foot slipped off under the wheel, resulting in a very painful, but not serious wound. Harry will probably be compelled to hobble around minus one shoe for a few days.

Column 3
See W. J. Neuens for for a Heating stove. He will give you a bargain.
Robt. Davies has been numbered among the ailing ones in this vicinity during the past week.
Remember we are now prepared to do any and all kinds of job work at reasonable rates. Give us a trial order.
Bennison's prescription clerk, John Hopper has been asked to quit, and a gentleman from Stratton is expected to soon take his place.
TO TRADE: - A High Grade Clyde Mare, 7 years old weighs 1400 lbs. Will trade for a good roadster. H. O. CHAPMAN.
Wm. Burgess expects to harvest something like one hundred and twenty tons of ice during the coming week, for the trade the coming summer.
If you have some good corn in ear to sell don't fail to see Brown & Davies, as they are buying and will give the market price, and a little better.
C. O. Smith and son Willie, who have been with W. S. Rouse and family during the past two weeks, returned to their homes at North Platte on Saturday.
On account of the severe weather, work on the new I. O. G. T. lodge rooms is progressing very slowly, but with favorable weather, the rooms will soon be ready for occupancy.
Mr. John Rinchart and Miss Ida Richey, both of this neighborhood, were united in bonds of holy matrimony, at the home of the bride's parents, Thursday of this week, Rev. F. L. Mason of this city officiating. The best wishes of the STAR extended to the newly made man and wife.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday's Faces from the Past - Arganbright Art Gallery, Hedrick, Iowa

Here's another unidentified picture from my "Negley collection" (photos that once belonged to my Eldorado, Nebraska Negley family members). The photographer's imprint on this 4" x 6" cabinet card is "Arganbright Art Gallery, Hedrick, Iowa". I'm not aware of anyone in my family who lived in Hedrick or Keokuk County. There were Negley cousins in Decatur and Ringgold counties, but that is at least 100 miles from Hedrick. It could be that there was some connection to Hedrick that I don't know about. This family may not be related to me, but my Negley relatives kept this copy of their picture.

The large bow ties like those on the two older boys were popular around 1910. It's hard to tell the sex of the infant. Two boys as the oldest children doesn't match up with any Negley related family I have in my tree.

If anyone recognizes the family in this photo, please leave a comment or email me. It would be nice for their descendants to have this photo.