I requested the obituary for my 4th Great Grandfather, Henry Knapp, from the Portsmouth Public Library and they returned this page with a short paragraph announcing his death. The librarian neglected to give me the exact date of this paper. Henry Knapp died on January 15, 1892, so this is from a date soon after that. Here is just a little news from some communities in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky.
Portsmouth Daily Times, January, 1892
Column 1
(Correspondence of the Times.)
POWELLSVILLE, Jan. 18. - After a long silence we once more take up our pen to chronicle a few items of interest for the readers of the TIMES.
With feelings akin to sorrow we note the death of one of our most respected citizens, Henry Knapp, Sr. He was 86 years of age. He died Friday and was buried Sunday. His wife is very sick at this writing. and it is not likely that she will survive him long.
The remains of William Adams were brought here for burial. His life terminated by accident. He fell into a coal shaft at Wellston. The distance was eighty feet. He lived about three hours after the accident.
Albert Hudson, son of A. J. Hudson, had an accident last Thursday morning, which terminated better than such accidents usually do. He was handling a shot gun carelessly, when the gun was discharged close to his left shoulder, but fortunately he was injured very little. He had a very narrow escape, and he was taught a lesson which he will not soon forget, and that is to be careful in the use and handling of fire arms. Never point a gun or pistol, loaded or unloaded at yourself or anybody else. This rule followed out will dispense with nearly all of the accidents, which are continually happening where fire arms are used.
Miss Kate Lanthorn is visiting friends and relatives near Wheelersburg.
The grip is still raging in this vicinity. It attacks everybody and respects no one.
Peter Gliem's child died of scarlet fever, and was buried last Friday.
Hartman Ressinger's residence will soon be ready for him. He will move shortly.
The magic lantern failed to put in an appearance at the Pine Creek school house last Wednesday night, but we don't think the people were much disappointed.
There has been the heaviest sleet in this vicinity that has ever been known. It has destroyed many fruit trees by breaking them down.
Agents for the creamery at Wheelersburg were seen on our streets the other day soliciting our citizens to take stock. We are unable to inform your readers whether they were successful or not.
If you want to hear something you never heard of before; if you want to learn something important that you can not find in books of any kind; if you want to hear new measures discussed to the fullest extent; if you want to find the place where free speech has not been infringed upon; if you want to be informed upon all kinds of topics, go to the postoffice of an evening and you will get your money's worth, and we will insure you that you will not be disappointed.
There is plenty of sickness in our neighborhood, and the doctor has been very busy for the last month.
Handsome Versus Homely
Who is that fine looking lady that we just passed, Clara? Why, that is Mrs. Snow. Well, there, what a change when I saw her last, her skin was so sallow and muddy looking it's no wonder I don't know her. What has produced that lovely complexion? I heard that she took Sulphur Bitters, the great Blood Purifier, and now would not be without them.
If you want to enjoy your meals strengthen your digestion with Simmons Liver Regulater.
Column 2 (unfortunately not the beginning of this paragraph)
p.m. at the home of the bride, the happy couple were pronounced man and wife by Rev. Wm. Evans. The wedding was quiet, except a serenade that was given them the night of their marriage. There were but a few invited guests, and they were the nearest relatives of the bride and groom. Even some of the nearest neighbors knew nothing of the wedding until they heard the bells and tin horns of the serenaders. The correspondent wishes them success and prosperity.
We hear that James Coughlin, of Augusta, and Miss Lizzie Fannin, of Vanceburg, formerly teacher of the Tannery school, were married one day last week at Vanceburg.
(Correspondence of the Times)
Once more after some time we find ourselves engaged in the pleasant and fascinating occupation of writing to the dear old TIMES. Chippewa is still alive and able to push the pencil after having a dreadful tough spell of the grip, and is still rusticating among the rocky and vine clad hills of North-eastern Kentucky.
There is considerable sickness in our community at the present writing, mostly la grippe and pneumonia fever.
Our old friend Mordecai Walker has been seriously ill of pneumonia, but at the present writing is improving.
One of my friends read an advertisement in some cheap paper, and it read about so: Send us so much money and give us your express office and we will send you an elegant parlor set. Our friend was so amazed at this offer that he jumped at the chance and thought that he was going to get a bonanza. My dear readers, he did catch one in the shape of a doll set.
We have but one wedding to announce this week, but when age and experience are taken into consideration, this one is as good as a half dozen ordinary marriages. It claps the climax. The contracting parties were Abraham Logan, of Leatherwood, and Mrs. Anna Boster, of near Greenup, groom being 77 years old, the bride 64. We hope that their latter days may be their best.
Argentum has one more citizen in the person of William Souders, who moved from South Portsmouth.
Thomas Winters picked up his grip, not la grip, and departed for Ashland, one day last week.
Mrs. Sarah Rawlings, whose illness we mentioned heretofore, we are sorry to state is no better.
Miss Alice Royal was the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Walker, last Sunday.
James McCormick and family spent New Years with home folks at Argentum.
We noticed Jad Reeves of Ashland, here one day last week.
Rev. Craycraft is building an addition to his home.
Mrs. Annie Morgan, of Lucasville, is visiting her father and other relatives.
The members of the L. H. Lodge would be pleased to see their old leader, Rev. Craycraft, in their midst again. If it were not by request, we would not insert the above, cause he al'ers gets huffy at the sight of his name in the good old TIMES.
T. E. Pugh, an old time pedagogue of Coal Branch, was here on business last week.
Sherman Hannahs, last of Cincinnati, attended church here Sunday.
The latest event of any note was the hop given by Wm. Craycraft. It was a success in every respect and enjoyed by all.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator for dyspepsis, billousness or headache.
Column 3
Jas. M. Lemaster, the popular track walker, says his paper does not come regularly. He likes the paper, and does not wish to lose a copy.
Charles H. McAllister, at one time a section foreman on this road but who has been in Montana for the past four years, has returned to his old love. He is at present at Olive Hill, awaiting something to turn up. "Once a Kentuckian, always a Kentuckian."
Miss Maud Robbins, of Olive Hill, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Williams.
Miss Lida Shay, one of Rowan county's bright young lady teachers, spent Sunday at home with her mother.
Henry Fielding, section foreman, has been repairing the switch at this place.
W. L. Hudgins, the drummer, stopped over Sunday with his father-in-law, W. H. Griffey and family.
F. M. G.
(Correspondence of the Times)
Quite a number of folks from this place were in your city shopping last Saturday.
There is a good deal of sickness in this vicinity, and our physicians are going almost constantly.
Edward Canter, boss at the W. F. B. Co's yard, is sick with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Heisel gave the young folks a social at their residence last Saturday evening. Quite an enjoyable time was experienced by all present, including some of our married men, who think that people never grow too old to have a little fun occasionally.
W. E. Tripp, the B. and O. S. W. operator, is on the grip list.
P. E. Cross, an operator on the C. and O. Ry., is visiting friends and relatives here.
The teachers of the M. E. Sunday school have organized a teachers' meeting for every Sabbath evening at 5:30 for the study of the lesson for the succeeding Sabbath. All who are interested in the good and welfare of the Sabbath school are cordially invited to attend.
Irontonian: Portsmouth may make all the fun she wants to about our contemplated electric street railway, but we will get there just the same. People who are of a jealous nature will generally kick at others' prosperity.....The Iron and Steel Furnace closed down today permanently, and there is no prospect of its renewing operations in the near future. The company were just making expenses, but they, however, decided to close down. This will throw several men out of employment, besides being quite a loss to the city.
A Little Girl's Experience in a Lighthouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are keepers of the government lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain; she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Fisher & Streich's drug store.
Ask for Portsmouth beer. It is the best in the city. Always fresh and cool from the cellars. tf
Don't experiment with your health. You may be sure of the quality of your medicine, even if you have to take much of your food upon trust. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and no other. It is the standard blood purifier, the most effectual and economical.
Column 4
M. F. Andrew, formerly of Monroe township, this county, lately of Newport, Ky., has been elected principal of schools at Cheviot, Hamilton county, Ohio - Circleville Watchman.
Martin Moran, a young resident of Athens, was killed on the Toledo division of the C. H. O. & T. Railway on Monday, having only recently entered the employ of the road as a brakeman.
A movement is on foot to reorganize the Athens Water Wheel and Machine company with a view of working it to its full capacity, which if accomplished would give employment to at least 50 or 60 men and probably in a short time to a much larger number.
Pomeroy Tribune: Capt. William Kirker, who is now at his home on Lincoln Hill, is rapidly improving, and it is expected that he will be able to be around in a few weeks. The report that he had a stroke of paralysis was not true; it was an attack of the grip. Capt. Sam Bryant is filling Capt. Kirker's place on the Telegraph.
John P. Eagan, coroner of Franklin county, and his sister, Miss Mary Eagan, both died of malignant diphtheria, at their home in Columbus, last Friday night, only four hours intervening. Mr. Eagan contracted the disease through contact with diphtheretic corpses, which he prepared for burial as an undertaker.
After spending a great deal of money, time and patience, the Excelsior Salt company, of Pomeroy has concluded that the use of fuel gas cannot be made a success. The plant will be torn out and the old way, the use of coal, will be resorted to. It is reported, however, that the experiment will be resumed some time in the future.
Hamden Enterprise: Ed. Summers, brakeman on the B. and O. S. W., (Portsmouth division) had his hand pinched while attempting to make a coupling in the yards at Wellston, last Saturday evening. Dr. W. S. Hoy, who dressed the hand, says he will be able to save all of the fingers. The unfortunate young man is a brother of Conductor Charley Summers.
The Jackson Herald says: Mrs. John Hull met with a serious and painful accident at her home in Bloomfield township, on Monday of last week. Going out of the house on a stone pavement, which was covered with a light sheet of snow, she slipped and fell, breaking one of her limbs. Many friends sympathize with the estimable lady in her sad accident.
A few days ago two men went to the house of L. Depriest, near Waterloo, Lawrence county, and driving out his two children, who were alone in the house, set fire to the building, which with its contents was burned to the ground. The men were strangers in the neighborhood, and after watching the fire for a time, departed toward Jackson. The two children, one a girl of sixteen, though driven away from the place, were not otherwise harmed.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.