This small clipping is from the Wolbach Messenger. Wolbach, Nebraska actually sits on the Greeley and Howard county line about 40 miles north of Grand Island. The Wolbach Messenger is available on microfilm at the library here in Grand Island covering about 1908 to 1972.
It seems like the ending of the last paragraph of column 1 here is interrupted by the first two paragraphs in column 2.
The Wolbach Messenger, Thursday, May 18, 1916, pg 5
Column 1
Mrs. Lewis Glass and son visited in Cushing Monday returning in the evening.Do you want to transact honest business? Also want honest goods that are new and fully guaranteed, you can purchase them at Louis Bartunek's. 24 lt
Nels Fredericksen went to Lincoln yesterday for a few days transacting business that required his personal attention.
We will sell you five gallons of Dip for $1.00, or one gallon for $1.00. None better. H. C. Hansen 23tf
Little Hazel Mares had the misfortune to fall and break her leg. Medical aid was summoned and at this writing Hazel is getting along in fine shape.
A lot of shoes for less than cost. Don't miss your chance. F. M. Schmidt.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl to Mrs. Ed Bradt. Mother and child are reported getting along nicely.
Window screens and screen doors, any size. Have Albert Petersen do it now. 22ft
Miss Anna Anderson departed for Grand Island Tuesday where she will spend an indefinite time with friends and relatives.
Last Friday afternoon word was received by Tom Silk that his barn was endangered by fire, starting from a corn pile and catching a straw stack afire near the barn. The wind was blowing
Column 2
This office has a complete line of wedding invitations both printed or engraved, which you are invited to call and inspect.
Lou Bartunek was an up the line visitor Monday evening, returning the following morning.
a pretty stiff gale, fortunately just opposite the barn, otherwise it would have proven the destruction of it. About seven carloads of citizens of this town made record speed to the place and resulted in keeping the fire from setting the barn afire.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anton Anderson celebrated their twenty fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday at the home 3 miles north of Wolbach. The occasion had been planned for a good many weeks, for at least 80 guests were present, both in and out of town. Many beautiful and valuable presents were received, in appreciation and remembrance to their old friend and neighbor. At noon a sumptious dinner was served, and after the spread no one was reported of being hungry. About two o'clock in the afternoon they began to disperse for their homes, on account of the big wind storm that arose, but wished Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, health, wealth and prosperity, and hoped that they would be called upon to help them celebrate their golden anniversary.
E. F. Jones is week putting in cement sidewalks around his residence. It is quite an improvement to the old board walk.
Any kind of paper under the sun, any size or color. We will get it for you. We have 5000 varieties for you to select from.
Column 3
Don't forget the high school play to be given this coming Friday.The patrons were entertained Friday by a farce given by the Sophomore girls entitled, "Their Aunt from California". Every room had the years work on display.
The Athenian program will be given Friday afternoon.
The Grammar room are learning the poem, "The Marnier's Dream."
Mrs. White was a visitor Monday morning.
The Catholic Church
Mass will be said at the Catholic church every 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Catechism immediately after mass.
Methodist Church Services.
Sunday School............10 am.
Preaching Services......11 am.
Epworth League..........6:45 pm.
Preaching Services.....7:30 pm.
The church with that "homey" feeling. "Come with us and we will do thee good; for the Lord hath spoken good, concerning Israel."
Fairdale M. E. Church
Sunday School...........10 a.m.
Preaching Services.....11 a.m.
Epworth League........7:30 p.m.
Preaching Services.....8 p.m.
Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday at..............8 p.m.
Ladies Aid Society meets last Thursday of each month
Column 4
Paul Revere with his dashing steed may have covered more ground than Carl Schlingman with his new ford, but not at any one time. To date Carl has confined his attentions entirely to acquiring a graceful movement, and plans to develop speed later. So far he has uprooted three poles and one tree and has boosted his life insurance double. As we all have our plans in life, it is the ambition of Mike Kinney to learn to run a car like Carl. Mike, however has found it an expensive recreation, having bit the stems off of two briar pipes in one week.