With the "first blizzard of the season" in March, it must have been a mild winter in central Nebraska. Several people took the train to Harvard, it's a distance of 10 miles. My Negley relatives are mentioned a couple of times in this week's Eldorado news. I wish I understood the "Brice" comment near the end. Unfortunately, the Harvard Courier is available only on microfilm. If it were digitized, I would be able to find the Negley name a lot.
Harvard Courier, March 2, 1912
At noon on Sunday snow began falling and by evening the wind had reached a high velocity so we found our selves in the first blizzard of the season. It left the east and west roads badly blocked. The wheat fields were wind swept but the stalk fields retained an abundance of snow.
Hay Bros. sale was quite well attended.
Jennie Austin took the train for Harvard Saturday evening.
Henry Bender of Sutton was in our midst Friday.
Wm. Stephens, Geo. England and Negley Bros. were Harvard visitors Saturday.
Banker Houghton of Hampton was here on business one day last week.
James and Newt. Shonkeiler were shaking hands with friends here Friday.
Frank Turner and wife Sundayed at Harvard.
Frank Leonard drove to Harvard Saturday.
Mrs. H. Iliff is on the sick list.
Carl Wood's were in Stockham Friday.
Roy Brenneman of Inland was out Friday.
Gertha Anderson of Stockham visited relatives here Friday.
Jas. Nelson was in Lincoln last week.
William Grosshans of Sutton was in our midst one day last week.
School Dist. 69 has been without a teacher since Feb. 19, but will resume work March 4th.
Anton Lentz departed for Fremont and other points which he will visit prior to leaving for South Dakota.
As revival meetings are in progress at Stockham, Rev. Littrel preached Sunday at 11:00 a.m. instead of the evening hour.
Rosa Engelhardt returned from Harvard Monday, where she visited relatives.
The township board met in regular session Tuesday.
L. Shouse of the O. Shouse Com. Co. of Hastings was in town Wednesday.
Adam Heisor who has been visiting at Hastings returned home Wednesday.
The Mennonite Brethren will begin revival services Sunday, Mar. 3rd. A minister from North Dakota will conduct a week's meeting.
Harry Brenneman's sale attracted a fair attendance with good prices prevailing.
John A. Yost is on the sick list.
John Dennis was called to Sutton Thursday by the serious illness of his brother.
Little Marie Taylor is on the sick list.
Henry Schmer took the train for Hastings Saturday.
Beginning on March 4th Rev. E. N. Littrel assisted by Prof. and Mrs. Clauson who are graduates of the ...
Moody Institute, Chicago, will conduct revival services. Let's go and hear the gospel preached and sung.
Joe Didtman of Buckley, Ill., came back to spend the summer with us.
W. S. Kilgore made a drive to Sutton Thursday.
Charles Wilson was in Stockham Thursday.
Calvin Negley accompanied the crew that took the snow plow east on Monday - presume that "Brice" held the plow handles.
Fred Meyer lost his driving horse Tuesday.