Saturday, November 12, 2016

Newspaper Clippings - Giltner, Nebraska, 1921

This column of news from Giltner, Nebraska is from the Grand Island Independent, Friday, February 25, 1921.  The Grand Island Independent covers many small communities all around Grand Island.  It would be a great newspaper to have digitized. 

Irma Bartz came here from Phillips, for over Sunday to visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gotheredge, have moved to Harvard where they will reside the coming year.
Mrs. J. C. Henderdeen came home from Stromsberg Thursday where she had visited with relatives.
Mr. Burnham, State Normal Inspector of Lincoln, and Miss Allen of Aurora, were at the high school Tuesday, where the former gave a lecture to the normal trainers.
O. D. Lansden and family went to Kansas Friday for a week's visit, and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Walker, are taking charge of their place during their absence.
The Goodale Bros., left Tuesday for York, after attending the reception at the church here Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Pugh have returned from Omaha where they visited their daughter.
W. J. Larmore came home from Lincoln last Wednesday where he went on a business trip.
Edd Cooney came in from Overton Wednesday, where he visited relatives.
L. E. Highland returned last week, from a business trip to Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Humphrey are happy over the arrival of a little daughter who came to their home last Monday.
Dorthea McKibbon was a visitor at the Bierbower home last week, She had been teaching school in Colorado, but owing to the weather conditions and sickness, the attendance was cut down so she was given a vacation at this time.
Wm. Lee and Roy Thompson last week, the former with hogs, and the latter with sheep.

The fourth number of the Lyceum course was held in the school auditorium last Saturday night.  This was considered the best number so far, it being the Orchestral entertainers. Something over six dollars was taken in at the door.
Hadley Talbert passed away last Thursday at his home near Trumbull, after a brief illness.  He was one of the old settlers of Clay county and was well and favorably known around here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Gatlin moved their household goods to Grand Island last week from Bingville, after the recent fire he decided he would not rebuild.
William Sidders was transacting business in St. Paul last week.
Russell Talbot came home last week from a visit of a couple of weeks with the George Baker family at Alma.

Mrs. O. Shaw and daughter, Mrs. Hazel Balli, came home from the western part of the state Wednesday.  They had gone to visit relatives but on arriving at their destination by rail, were unable to make the trip of twenty miles across country so were obliged to return home.
Mrs. Mayme Wainwright, underwent an operation on the throat at her home on Wednesday, a physician from Aurora attending her.  She is doing nicely.
Pauline Rich went to Grand Island Monday where she received medical treatment the past week.  The grammar room and the teacher Miss Ogle, were at the train and gave her a valentine shower before she departed.
Mrs. Gilman Torgerson was a passenger to Hastings between trains Saturday.
The home economics class held a pie sale in J. A. Marvels store last Saturday afternoon.  They baked 16 pies and sold all but three.
The basket ball team and their coach, H. V. Marsh went to Clay Center Friday night and was defeated 21 to 9.  Kearney Tuesday, 20-35; Minden Wednesday, and were unlucky again with 31-11.  On Thursday night, Aurora hired the boys to play Ord at Aurora, and were again defeted 26-24.  The second team was scheduled to play Phillips Saturday afternoon but they having no inside gym, the weather was not favorable for an out-door game, so was postponed until a later date.
Mrs. Joe Talish was taken to Aurora Saturday for an X-Ray examination on her lungs.

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