Maybe it was the depression. Maybe it was the big dust storms in 1934. Maybe at 65 years old, Cicero Bell was just ready to retire from farming.
"We are sorry to loose another family from our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Bell have a sale on October 17 and will move to Aurora where Mr. Bell will take charge of his oil station there. The aid society of the Christian church will serve lunch that day." Aurora News-Register, October 12, 1934
HIS oil station?
HIS oil station?
Giltner Gazette, October 11, 1934, Transcribed below. |
Son? Cicero has 6 sons, which ONE does this refer to?
"Cicero Bell and Son, will hold a public sale 1 mile west and 2 1/2 miles north of Giltner, Wednesday, October 17th. They will offer 4 horses, 6 cattle, 11 hogs and a complete line of farm machinery. Sidders and Hagarity are auctioneers and the First National Bank in Aurora will clerk the sale.
Ed and Stanley Bell have purchased the Conoco Service Station located at the intersection of the SYA and KND highways at the northeast corner of Aurora. Elmer Foss who has operated the station for the past two months will move into the MacDougal residence on east M Street. The Bell brothers will handle Conoco product and will conduct the lunch room in connection with the Service Station." Aurora News-Register, October 12, 1934
I wonder what they served in their lunch room. There's a McDonald's at that corner now.
Aurora News-Register, October 12, 1934 |
Aurora News-Register, October 26, 1934 |
When I get a chance, I hope to find out how long the Bell Brothers Service Station was in business. Ed was married and had a daughter when he bought this station. My Grandpa, Stan, was single and 27 years old. By 1937 he was working for the Nebraska Light & Power Company according to his Social Security application.
Maybe Art McGrath did business at the Bell Brothers Service Station. Maybe his daughter Violet was with him sometimes. Violet, my Grandma, never learned to drive. She was 17 in 1934.
Transcription of Sale Bill:
Having purchased the Conoco Service Station at the northeast corner of Aurora we will sell to the highest bidder at the farm 1 mile west and 2 1/2 miles north of Giltner, on
Wednesday, Oct. 17
commencing at one o'clock the following property
4 Head of Horses 4
One black mare, weight 1200, smooth mouth. One black mare, weight 1400, smoth mouth
One black mare, weight 1400, smooth mouth. Sorrel saddle pony, wt. 1100, smooth mouth.
6 Head of Cattle 6
One Holstein cow, fresh 6 weeks, 5 years old. One black cow, giving milk, 4 years old.
One black cow, fresh 6 weeks, 3 years old. One red cow, heavy springer, 7 years old.
One part Guernsey, fresh 5 months, 2 years old. One red cow, heavy springer, 7 years old.
11 Head Summer and Fall Pigs 11
Four Hampshire Shoats, weight 125 pounds. Seven Chester White Shoats, weight 50 pounds.
Farm Implements, Etc.
One Mitchell Grain Wagon; One rack and truck, One low-wheel wagon and box; One three-section harrow and cart; One 6-ft McCormick mower, good shape; One 5 ft. McCormick mower; One 10-ft hay rake; One single-row Western Bell lister; One 12-hole Buckeye drill; One field disc; One John Deere 12-in gang plow; One 6-in Burr Grinder, and Ford power.
About 5 tons corn fodder. Some cane hay. Stack of thistles.
One No. 12 DeLaval separator, nearly new; Cream cans; Lamps; Dishes; Ironing board; One cot; One dresser; Four rockers; One heating stove.
One 50-gallon oil barrel; One 15-gallon lard kettle; Grinding stone; Two sets harness; Four good leather collars; Forks; Scoop shovels; Some poultry wire, etc.; 1500-chick size Blue Flame brooder; Brooder house, 10x12; Two small brooder houses; Fifty White Leghorn pullets.
TERMS - Cash, or see clerk before sale if time is desired. All property at purchaser's risk when bid off and not to be removed until settlement is made.
C. BELL & SON, Owners
Sidders & Hagarity, Auctioneers First National, Aurora, Clerk