Saturday, December 27, 2014

Newspaper Clippings - Wood River, Nebraska 1906

If you have ancestors who lived in Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, the Wood River Gazette (1884-1892) and the Wood River Sunbeam (1895-1995) newspapers are available on microfilm at the Grand Island library.  Here is a clipping from the Wood River Sunbeam covering news from the local townships of Cameron and Jackson.

Wood River Sunbeam, March 2, 1906

Women's Club Elects Officers
The Wood River Women's club held their annual election of officers at their regular meeting Wednesday and the result was as follows:  Mrs. George W. Conrad, president; Mrs. C. E. Towne, first vice-president Mrs. M. Diefenderfer, second vice-president; Mrs. J. W. Earel, recording secretary; Mrs. Ed Oswald, corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. C. Wingert, treasurer.


Mrs. J. E. Blue was a Shelton caller Saturday.

Lawrence Lee shipped cattle to Omaha this week.

Ada Turner visited with Mamie Rader Thursday night.

Miss Annie Behr is visiting at Aurora and Chapman this week.

Final examinations were given in district No. 13 this week.

Stella Dean visited at the home of Mrs. Stonebarger of Gibbon last week.

Walter and Ralph Dubbs were called home on account of the death of their mother.

Miss Alice E. Finan spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lena Conroy at Shelton.

Mr. Behr held the lucky number that won the graphaphone which was raffled off at Cameron store.

Mr. and Mrs. Benton Dubbs returned to Chicago Monday, after attending the funeral of Mrs. W. Dubbs.

A crowd of young folks drove down from Shelton to attend the dance last Monday night.  Mr. and Mrs. Henninger chaperoned the crowd which included the Misses Ella Bastain, Lena Conroy, Alice Finan, Bertha Echernact, Bessie Ecthenact and Hannah Conroy.

Mrs. Will Dubbs passed away at her home in Cameron last Thursday night, after a long illness.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, the services being in charge of Rev. Alton.  Mrs. Dubbs was a woman loved by all who knew her.  The deceased was sixty years of age and leaves twelve children, seven boys and five girls, besides her husband to mourn her death.  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the community in their affliction.

C. M. Warren's Airship.
Is liable to be here some of these days and until it arrives he still insists on selling the nicest fruit and candies of anybody in Wood River.  If you are from Missouri or doubt his word just call at his store and see for yourself.

Hans Claussen will move this week up by Abbott.

Miss Mable Moore of Harrison is visiting in York.

D. Shriner from near Alda is moving into Harrison township.

Frank Shick of Wood River is a frequent caller in Harrison.

George Rickard has been under the doctor's care for a few days.

The Forrest brothers expect to start soon for the western part of the state.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Nelson and son Elmer visited friends in Harrison over Sunday.

John Workman and family of Central City are visiting relatives and friends in Harrison.

S. P. Deems and family expect to leave next Monday for Alma, Nebraska, where they will make their future home.


Mrs. G. W. Conrad visited Miss Roche's department Tuesday.

Misses Kate and Maude Wilkinson were guests of the high school Monday.

Miss O'Connor has some interesting work her pupils have done in geography.

The senior class is preparing a play which is to be rendered in the near future.

J. M. Weldon, chairman of our school board, was a caller at the high school Monday.

The school exists for the good of the whole, and not for the good of an individual.

The subject of rhetoric heretofore offered in the tenth will be offered in the ninth grade.

The senior class are enjoying Cicero's letters to his friends and family, written while in exile.

Alma, Pearl and Edward Balster, who have been attending school in Wood River the past two years, moved to Utica this week.

Zach Taylor was a visitor at the high school Tuesday.  We are pleased to have the patrons inspect our work and see what the pupils are doing.

Misses Bowen and Francis gave a very entertaining program Friday in honor of Washington.  A goodly number of parents were guests on the occasion.

The University of Nebraska, through Inspector Hodgman, submitted the annual report blank and graduates blank to be filled preparatory to commencement.

Mesdames McDermitt, Winn, Mullen, Madsen, Blass, Dunn, Root, Bruner, Wilson and Quackenbush were among those who enjoyed the program in the first and second primaries.

Upon the approach of warm weather more attention will be given to calesthenics and gymnsatics in the grades.  This removes possible restlessness of the forenoon and afternoon periods.

Parents will observe that no standing excuses are granted for pupils who are tardy or absent.  The institution of such a course would be decidedly short sighted and productive of unspeakable

Charles Babel, who assisted Ed Wilson in moving to Holdrege, returned home Sunday.

Preparations are being made for a big wolf hunt Thursday near the Gardner neighborhood.

Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Denver are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham.

Belle and Myra Griffin of Grand Island visited with relatives in this neighborhood the past week.

Grandma and Lawrence Cox of Bladen are visiting with George Cox and other friends in this neighborhood.

J. W. Suffel and family left Saturday for Zanesville, Ohio, where they expect to make their future home.

Rev. Sparr conducted services at the Northfield church Sunday.  The revival services are again in progress.

Joseph Graham received the sad news Thursday of the death of his brother, James Graham of Witchita, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Brekenridge attended a supper Friday evening given by the Alda ladies of the M. E. church.

Willis Moore is the newly appointed treasurer for district No. 32, to fill the vacancy by Oliver Cox moving out of the district.


P. Nelson made a business trip to Prosser Saturday.

W. Jordon of Grand Island visited friends in Jackson Sunday.

John Tyrrell left this week for California with a carload of hogs.

Mrs. John Carey has 130 little chickens, hatched by the wooden hen.

Mrs. M. J. Carey visited a few days this week at the home of her father, D. Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheeks and family left this week for their new home in Lagrand, Oregon.

J. Donigan of Abbott visited a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donigan.

Mrs. Weber of Sheldon visited Tuesday at the home of her father, E. J. Henderson.

The sales at Joseph Nolan and Ed Guinan this week were well attended and things sold well.

A number of Jackson people attended the dance given by Steve Lyons in Langan's hall Monday evening.

The sewing circle met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Nolan.  Some thirty-five ladies were present.

Mesdames R. Moore, M. T. Neville and P. Mahoney spent Monday and Tuesday visiting friends in Grand Island.

Miss Mary Slattery gave a party to some thirty young people at her home Friday evening in honor of the Misses Balster.

Mr. and Mrs. John Duggan gave a card party to a number of their friends Friday evening.  Those present report a pleasant time.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday's Faces from the Past - Palmer children

Ivy May Palmer and Raymond Palmer may or may not be brother and sister, I don't know.  I do know they aren't related to me.  

Those chairs are very similar, but it's not the same chair.  Ivy May's photo was taken by Townsend Studio,  Raymond's was taken by Sours Studio, both in Harvard, Nebraska.  

If you are related to either Ivy May or Raymond Palmer, or maybe both, let me know.  I'd be happy to get these photos to family.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday's Child(ren) Bertha Roscoe and Her Brother

Bertha Roscoe
Jan. 22, 1899
Sep. 27, 1900
Aged 8 months, 5 days

Infant Son
Dec. 31, 1899
Jan. 3, 1900
Aged 3 days

Children of George & Mary Roscoe
Buried in the Swan Cemetery, Saline County, Nebraska

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tombstone Tuesday - George C Roscoe

Swan Valley Cemetery, Saline County, Nebraska
Mary Boggs
Jan. 6, 1868
Sept. 2, 1935
(age 67)

George Corbin Roscoe 
Jan. 26, 1864
Feb. 8, 1952
(age 88)

My Great Great Grand Uncle George was the son of David A. Roscoe and Mary Crosby Fero.  He married Mary C. Boggs on January 1, 1891.  They had 5 daughters - Velma, Zola Martha, Edith Merle, Lucille and Bertha.  Their first son was born in 1899 and lived 3 days, then in 1907 they were blessed with a son they named George Boggs Roscoe.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Boone Ancestors

Still working on my husband's paternal side, his father's mother was a direct descendant of John Boone from England.   The Boone family settled in Calvert County, Maryland adjacent to St Mary's County where the Mattingly ancestors lived.  This is the lineage as I have it, starting with my husband's Great Grandfather.

Robert I. Boone, born August 1, 1837 in Kentucky.  About 1875, he married Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of James Matthew Johnson and Charlotte Ballard.  Robert died February 10, 1900 and is buried in the St Dominics Cemetery in Springfield, Kentucky.  Elizabeth died January 17, 1933 and most likely is buried beside her husband but there is no marker for her there.

Christopher Boone
Christopher Boone, Robert's father, was born about 1792 in Prince George's County, Maryland.   On October 2, 1824 in Nelson County, Kentucky he was married to Ann Rhodes.  Ann's father was Ignatius Rhodes.  Christopher died sometime before 1870 and is most likely buried in the St Thomas Cemetery in Bardstown.  The original map of the cemetery with burial records has been lost and only marked graves are known.  There is no marker for Christopher or Ann Boone, but their son William is buried there.

Christopher's father was Walter.

Walter Boone, born before 1760 in Prince George's County.  He married Mildred Edelen October 9, 1783.  She was the daughter of Christopher Edelen and Elizabeth.   About 1800, Walter moved his family to Nelson County, Kentucky.  Mildred died before 1810, and he died in 1847.  His father was Charles.

Charles Boone, born about 1725 in Prince George's County.  He married Mary Boarman about 1745 in Maryland.  Mary was the daughter of Thomas James Boarman and Jane Edelen.  Charles and Mary died in Prince George's County, Mary by 1780 and Charles in 1783.   Charles was the son of John II.

John Boone II, born 1678 in Calvert County, Maryland.  He married Elizabeth Beaven about 1710 in Maryland.  They both lived into their 80's and died in Prince George's County, Maryland.

John Boone was born December 27, 1645 in England and died before July, 1689 in Maryland.  His wife's name was Grace.  I have no last name, but I've found three different possibilities in other researchers online trees - Head, Meade or Bennett - with no sources for any of them.  John and Grace may have married in Maryland.  After John's  death at about age 43, Grace remarried Robert Brooke.  Grace died in 1725.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday's Faces from the Past - Elsie Fairchild

"To Grandma Negley
[This?] is surely our greatest comfort.  Elsie Fairchild, 3 years old"

This is most likely the Elsie Fairchild who in 1910 lived in Benkelman, Nebraska with her parents Milton A and Kate H.  That girl named Elsie was born in 1906, making this photograph possibly from 1909.  In 1920, I believe I found Elsie and her parents in Waco, Nebraska about 250 miles northeast of Benkelman.  Her mother was listed then as Helen Rose.  I found a memorial at findagrave for Helen Fairchild in the Waco Cemetery, she died in 1925 when Elsie was 19.  Then my search came literally to a dead end when I looked for her father.  Milton is buried in the Mount Hope Cemetery in San Diego, California, along with Elsie.  If I've found the right people, the three of them died in successive years, Helen in '25, Elsie in '26 and Milton in '27.  Elsie has no descendants and Milton and Helen didn't have any more children.

"Grandma Negley" was not related to Elsie or her family in any way that I can determine.  But this sweet little girl must have known my Great Great Grandma Sarah Negley somehow.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Surname Saturday - Mattingly

The Mattingly family originated in England and came to the Colonies in the mid 1600's. They originally settled in St Mary's County, Maryland and in the late 1700's several members of the family moved to the Washington, Nelson and Marion Counties area in Kentucky.  This is a summary of my husband's direct ancestral line as I have it, starting with his Great Grandfather.  I have some documentation, but I haven't verified this line.  

James Raymond Mattingly, or "Raymond" as he is listed in census records, was born in Nelson County, Kentucky in 1814.  About 1840 he was married to Julia Mattingly.   1850 through 1870 they were in Washington County.  He died sometime after 1870, but his exact death date and burial location are unknown.

As I have it, Raymond was the son of Barnett Mattingly and Priscilla Cash.  Julia was the daughter of Gabriel and Ann Juliet Molohan.  Barnett and Gabriel were possibly brothers. There are many researchers who have the parents and children switched, or disagree that Barnett and Gabriel were brothers.

Barnett and Gabriel Mattingly were the sons of John Baptist Mattingly and Ann Fenwick.  Gabriel was born in Maryland in 1777 and Barnett was born there in 1785.  I don't have a death date or burial location for either one of them, but Gabriel moved to Washington, Daviess County, Indiana by 1850.

John Baptist Mattingly, born in 1736 at Mount Misery, St Mary's County, Maryland, the son of Thomas Mattingly III and Ruth Cole.  In about 1760, he married Ann Fenwick Spalding, widow of Clement.  John Baptist was deceased by May 12, 1817 at about 81 years old.

Thomas Mattingly III was born to Thomas Mattingly II and Mary Suttle about 1690 in St Mary's County, Maryland.  His first marriage was to Elizabeth Warren.  In 1715 he married Ruth Cole.  He died in April of 1774 at about 84 years old.    

Thomas Mattingly II was born about 1650 in England.  He was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (last name unknown).   He was married by October 7, 1680 to Mary Suttle in St Mary's County, Maryland.  Then about 1685 he married Elizabeth (last name unknown).  He died at age 64 in 1714 in St Mary's County.  His will is found in the book "Maryland Calendar of Wills:  Wills from 1713 to 1720" Vol. 2, by Jane Baldwin Cotton, Roberta Bowling Henry.

Thomas Mattingly was born about 1630 in England and died July 24, 1664 in St Mary's County, Maryland at 34 years old.  He married Elizabeth (last name unknown) about 1650.

Some other blogs and websites of interest:

The Catholic Gene  

Kentucky Kindred Genealogy

Books to find with Mattingly info:

"The Mattingly Family in Early America", by Herman E. Mattingly, 1975

"Catholic Families of Southern Maryland", by Timothy J. O'Rourke, 1985

Friday, October 3, 2014

Newspaper Clippings - Ravenna, Nebraska, 1905

Ravenna, Nebraska in Buffalo County, got its name from the city of Ravenna, Italy. You can read about the history of Ravenna or other Nebraska communities at UNL's Virtual Nebraska site.  The village of Nantasket mentioned in these clippings was about three miles east of Ravenna.  Nantasket no longer exists.  

The Grand Island library has the Ravenna News available on microfilm from 1888 to 1974.  Here's a small sample of the news from 1905.  

Ravenna News, Friday, September 29, 1905, pg 7

Little Helen, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Landrigan, fell from the front porch of her home, one day last, and broke her collar bone.

Wheat for chicken feed, $1.10 per hundred delivered to any purchaser in Ravenna.  Far superior in feeding quality to screenings.  CRETE MILLS ELEVATOR

Mrs. O. O. Geist is visiting relatives in New York City, expecting to spend about three weeks there.  She is expected home about the 10th of October.

L. P. Southworth bought of A. G. Welch, last week, a fine three-year-old mule, for which he paid the snug sum of $145.

John Rombach was obliged to postpone his trip to the Pacific coast on account of illness in his family.

The framework of the new John Frye house, on Kufus avenue, was raised last week.

Rock Springs Slack for threshers $5.50.  Fresh car just received.  THE RAVNNA MILLS

See the new fall line of dress goods at Stephens & Bentley.

Apples!  Apples!  Apples! Carload this week.  At Harry Edward's.

Dr. J. J. Tomiska, resident dentist.

V. O. English has Resigned.
V. O. English, superintendent of the McCook division of the Burlington, has resigned.  C. L. Eaton, superintendent of transportation at Omaha has been appointed superintendent of the McCook division.  Fred D. Weidenbammer, attached to General Superintendent Byram's office, has been made superintendent of transportation with headquarters at Omaha.  These changes become effective October 1.
It is said that Mr. English will go into some other line of business, but what he may later decide upon, is not hinted at.  Mr. English is an old time employe of the Burlington, having risen from the train service to train master, from trainmaster to assistant superintendent, at Aurora, and from assistant superintendent to acting superintendent at McCook, in which position he was later made superintendent.  He took the place made vacant by the ill health of the late Alexander Campbell.

Dog Shoots His Master.
A peculiar accident happened near Meadow Grove, this state, this week.  Altha Saltz, a young farmer, was starting out on a hunting trip.  He set in the wagon with the barrel of his shot gun poked into his left side.  He called his dog and the animal leaped into the wagon, tripping the trigger and sending a load of shot into Saltz's heart killing him instantly.

The Free Methodist tent meetings closed with the Sunday evening service.  Elder Bennett, the evangelist in in charge has been making some effort to solicit funds for the building of a Free Methodist church in Ravenna, but with what success we are not informed.  The society has $125 in the treasury, a balance left over from the sale of the Davidson building, formerly owned by the society.

Rob't Malone, the grading contractor is using a $800 driving horse on the big road grader which is being used on the work.  The horse is a thoroughbred Wilkes and was formerly owned by Charles Bryan, of Lincoln, a brother of William J. Bryan.  Mr. Malone says the horse is no better than he is; that he works on the grade himself and the horse ought to stand it if he can.

Rev. C. A. Powers left for Minden, Neb., Monday of this week, to attend the annual conference of the West Nebraska District.  In consequence there will be no preaching services at the M. E. church next Sunday.  Sunday school and League meeting will be held as usual.

"Krape's Liniment" made after one of the finest recipes ever written.  Never disappoints or fails its purpose.  The strongest and purest liniment sold.  At Davenports.

Dr. A. E. Robertson, of Mason City, is building the finest residence in Custer county.  The building is to cost $10,000 and is to be built of cement blocks.

The new State Normal school at Kearney, opened Monday of this week.  The building is not entirely completed but the school work will go on just the same.

The new Wm. Mickish house, on the east side is enclosed.  The West Bros. have the contract.

Magazines and periodicals at Harry Edward's news stand.

B. Kase. for Boots and Shoes.

McKinney - Sielaff.
Married at Kearney, Wednesday, Sept. 27th, Judge Hallowell, officiating, Miss Christina McKinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm McKinney, of Nantasket, and Mr. George W. Sielaff, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sielaff, of this township.  The young people are well and popularly known in this community, and have many friends who will congratulate them on the step taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Sielaff have the best wishes of THE NEWS for a long, prosperous and happy life in matrimonial bondage.

York work is solicited in the painting and paper hanging line.  Satisfaction is guaranteed.  ALBERT LAMB

Ladies of W. R. C. are requested to meet at K. of P. Hall, Saturday Sept. 30th at 2:30 p.m. sharp.  Com.

Wanted - To trade my stock of general merchandise in Ravenna for land.  Address C. J. STEVENS. Ansley Neb.

Blake Boyden left last Friday for Crete, Neb., to resume his studies at Doane College.

Genuine Rock Springs and Hanna lump coal at Nantasket.  J. H. HUGHES & CO.

To Rent - One front bed room.  Inquire at this office.

A Fortunate Accident.
Chas. DeMaranville of Aurora is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Grace McLaughlin and Mrs. Jessie Squires, west of town.  His father who is nearly eighty years old accompanied him.  The old gentleman met with a fortunate accident last Saturday.  While out hunting with his son and in passing over a catstep, the single tree snapped in two causing the horse to jump, throwing the old gentleman from the buggy and between the wheels, one of which ran over his face just above the eyes, but outside of a few bruises on the head did no perceptible harm.  It was a most fortunate accident, especially when one considers his advanced age. - Loup City Northwestern.
Mr. DeMaranville, the injured man, is the aged father of Mr. James DeMaranville, of this city.  He was brought to Ravenna a day or two after the accident, and is now staying at the home of his son. Fortunately his injuries are not at all serious, yet it might easily have been an accident fatal in its consequences.

Saturday, Sept. 23d. one 3-year-old black horse, and one mare colt about 18 months old.  Suitable reward will be given for information leading to their recovery.  JAMES MOTSICK

Was a Very Sick Boy
"When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Chamerlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheoa Remedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Midland Michigan.  This remedy can be depended upon in the most severe case.  Even cholera infantom can be cured by it.  Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain.  For sale by C. N. Davenport.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sunday's Obituary - George & Emma Jane Bailey

Beatrice Daily Sun, July 27, 1920

George H. Bailey, an old resident of Beatrice who had been making his home at Lincoln for some time died in a hospital at Lincoln Saturday after a brief illness, aged 84 years.The remains were brought here yesterday for burial, and funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Clausen's chapel, conducted by Rev. J. M. Darby.  Burial in Beatrice cemetery."

Beatrice Daily Sun, December 28, 1915

Mrs. Emma Jane Bailey, wife of George Bailey, and a pioneer of Gage county, passed away at her home at 800 Scott street Sunday after a prolonged illness, aged seventy-five years, ten months and twenty-nine days. 
The deceased was a woman beloved and respected by all who knew her.  She was a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal church, uniting when she was a mere child.  She had been a regular attendant at Centenary church for many years. 
Emma Jane Gaisford was born at Kilperton, England, January 27, 1840.  At the age of fifteen she came to the United States locating in Providence, Rhode Island.  She was married to George H. Bailey at Passcoag, R. I., March 24, 1859.   The family moved to Rueland, Ill., in 1868, where they resided two years, and in 1870 came to Gage county, settling on a farm.  In December, 1883, they retired from farming, moving to Beatrice, where they have since made their home. 
She is survived by her husband, one sister, Mrs. Geo. Pickard of Diller, and four brothers, Charles and Samuel Gaisford of Ellis, William on Minonk, Ill, and J. H. of Council Bluffs. 
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the home and at 2:30 from Centenary M. E. church, conducted by Dr. B. F. Gaither.  Interment in Beatrice cemetery.

Emma Jane Gaisford is the sister of my Great Great Grandfather Charles Gaisford. Their young daughter Emma M. is buried with them in the Old Beatrice Cemetery.  She was born in 1867, and died in 1873 at just 6 years old.

Also buried in their plot is little Emma's cousin, Ella R. Gaisford, born October 12, 1880, died September 12, 1881.  She was the infant daughter of Charles and Henrietta Gaisford. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

John Silas Bell and Rutha Simpson of Wayne County, Kentucky

Last November, I did a series of posts on my Great Great Grandma Martha Bell and her family, including both her parents and her three children.   Looking back at those, they might be confusing.  This time I'm going to focus on Martha's parents and their children.

John Silas Bell was the son of David Bell and Mary "Polly" Adair.  He was born in 1814 in Wayne County, Kentucky.  His father died when he was 4, and his mother remarried to Garner Parmley.  John was a farmer and he lived and worked in Wayne County his entire life.

Rutha Simpson was the daughter of Reuben Simpson Jr and Martha Merritt.  She was born April 22, 1822.  To my knowledge, Rutha also spent her entire life in Wayne County, although I'm wondering where she was in 1880 as I can't find her in the census.  John died at the age of 64 on December 29, 1878.  Rutha died on April 11, 1907, just 11 days short of her 85th birthday.  They had been married for 40 years.  I have been to their graves in the Stringer Cemetery in Wayne County.

This copy of their marriage bond came from a distant cousin years ago.  The top record is for a David Bell and Tarleton Bell, names I have run across before, but I don't have them in my tree.  The middle hand-written note is:
Wayne County, State of Kentucky  I Garner Parmley do heare by certify that I did on the 3 day of May (?) solemnize the rites of matrimony between John S Bell and Rutha Simpson acording to law given under my hand as one of the Justices of the peace for said county licensed to celebrate the rite of matrimony. August the 20, 1838  Garner Parmley, J P

The bottom copied record is the marriage bond:
"KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we John S. Bell & and W Simpson are held and firmly bound unto the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in the just and full sum of fifty pounds current money, to the true payment of which we bind ourselves our heirs, &c. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this 2nd day of May 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas there is a marriage shortly intended to be solemnized between the above bound John S. Bell and Ruth Simpson of the county of Wayne.  Now if there shall always appear that there is no legal obstruction to said marriage, then this obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue."
Signed by W. Simpson and John S. Bell

W. Simpson is Rutha's brother William and Garner Parmley is John S. Bell's step-father.

John & Rutha had seven children:

Martha Eveline Bell, born November 3, 1842.   Follow the hyperlink to read about Martha, no need to duplicate it here.

Ira Garner Bell, born November, 1844.  He married Martha E. Simpson who was his first cousin.  Martha Simpson's father was Thomas, brother of Rutha.  They had two sons, William and Thomas.  He and his wife Martha are buried in the Simpson Cemetery in Wayne County according to a memorial on findagrave, but his death date is unknown.

Mary Elizabeth Bell, born August 12, 1846.  She married John Stringer on February 4, 1870.  They had three children:  Littleton, Paulina and Tilden.  Elizabeth Stringer is buried in the Stringer Cemetery along with her parents and two sisters.

Elisha S Bell, born August, 1848.  Elisha was first married to N. C. Span in 1873.  I haven't been able to find anything more about N. C. yet.  Then in 1875, he married Rebecca McFarland.  Transcriptions of these marriage records are available on the Wayne County genweb site.  

I've also tried again to find Elisha and Rebecca's burial place hoping to get their death dates.  They were in Flint, Texas by 1900 and there through 1920, but they aren't listed in the Texas Death Records. I contacted one funeral home in Tyler, Texas and they gave me a phone number for a woman who has the records for the Flint Cemetery where I believe they are buried in unmarked graves.  She told me the records she has came from walking the cemetery, not burial records, so unmarked graves will not be listed in what she has.  I contacted another funeral home that has not responded to my request.  Probate records from the 1920's with actual images are available through, but looking in the index I don't find Elisha or Rebecca Bell listed.  

Saphronia Bell, born February, 1850, died apparently before 1887.  I posted a transcription of a deed from November 1887 which names the heirs of John S. Bell.  Her name is not on that deed.  If she had been married by then, I think she and her husband would have been included on the deed.

Emily E. Bell, born September 3, 1854, death date unknown but she is listed on the deed, so sometime after 1887.  It doesn't seem that she ever married and she may have died young.  In 1880, she lived with her sister Elizabeth Stringer.   She is buried in the Stringer cemetery near her parents.

Ursula Jane Bell, born April 8, 1856.  In the 1860 census, she was 4 years old, the year 1856 would be correct.  She married Henry Reynolds on December 7, 1871 and the transcription of that record has her age as 17 (born in 1854).  Did she actually get married at just 15 years old?   Ursula and Henry Reynolds had 3 children:  Leann, Ida and Thomas.  Ursula or "Sula" died on August 10, 1890 at about 35 years old.  She is also buried in the Stringer cemetery in Wayne County.

I have been in contact with descendants of Ira Garner Bell, Elizabeth Stringer and Ursula Reynolds.  If anyone asks me about them, I will refer the request to the cousins who know more about them than I do.  

Elisha is a guy I'm especially interested in.  My Great Grandfather Cicero Bell spent some time in Texas living near "Uncle Leish".  I learned this from an audio recording made by Cicero's second oldest son about the family history.  Uncle Leish and Rebecca had no children, they have no descendants.  I want to find more of their story. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday's Faces from the Past - Myrtle & Deril


"Baby and me, taken not long after they came"
"This is Myrtle and Deril da.  A good picture of both"
"United Photo Service
Nationally Known
La Crosse, Wisconsin"

Who are Myrtle and Deril?  Did they live in Wisconsin or was the photo just sent there for processing?  Who were "they" that came?  Why did my Grandma have this picture?

In the 1940 census, I found...

Deril McIzor lived in Dunn, Wisconsin with her parents Marshall and Myrtle.  She is 8 years old, brother Palmer is 6, Bruce is 2 and Phyllis is 12 or maybe that should be 1 month.

Darrel Suckow, 3 years old, lived in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin.  Her parents were Oscar and Myrtle Suckow, siblings were Marlyn, Shirley, Patricia, Gloria, Carrol and Charles.

Daryl Justinger and her parents Andrew and Myrtle lived in Washington, Wisconsin.  Daryl was 10, brothers Herbert 12 and Dudley 8.

There are other possibilities.  If you have this Myrtle and Deril in your family tree, let me know and I'll send you this photo.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wedding Wednesday - Richard/Schleiger

Mr and Mrs. Andrew Richard
request the honor of your presence at
the marriage of their daughter
Mr. George Schleiger
Sunday, December tenth, nineteen hundred five,
at three o'clock p.m.
at their home
Eldorado, Nebraska

Postmarked Eldorado, Nebr.
NOV. 20, 1905 A.M.

Addressed to
Mr. J. F. Negley
Eldorado, Nebr.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Newspaper Clippings - DeWitt, Nebraska, 1923

DeWitt, Nebraska in Saline County was incorporated in 1857.  The Nebraska State Historical Society Library in Lincoln has newspapers from DeWitt from as early as 1874.  The newspaper holdings can be found on the  Nebraska Newspapers page at the Society's website.  Is an ancestor of yours in the news?  

DeWitt Times, Thursday, May 24,1923

"Laborers and teams wanted Beatrice, Nebraska, 40 3 Abel Construction Co.

Will furnish pasture for two head of town cows, 3 blocks from Burlington depot.  Inquire at this office.

R. W. Venrick was called to Clatonia last Sunday to conduct the funeral of the late Frank Roscoe.

Mrs. Gladys Anderson of Waverly, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Lidgard the last of the week.

Harness and Shoe Repairing.  New Harness, Collars and Flynets on hand.  Open nights.  adv 42  A. F. Friesen

Roy C. Reid and family of Nemaha, Nebr., were visiting the formers mother, Mrs. R. P. Vanderploeg, Friday and Saturday of last week.

The list of graduates published in this paper last week was incomplete, in as much as it did not contain the name of Miss Bernice Weibel, who is a member of the class.

Dale Reid and wife of University place visited the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ladner over Sunday.  Miss Blanche Ladner of Lincoln accompanied them on the trip and paid a visit to the folks here.

Dr. Stivers, Specialist in spinal treatment of chronic and nervous diseases of men, Women and children will be at Mrs. Will Kiburzs residence each week from noon until 2:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - adv  38

The Farmers Union are holding a picnic Tuesday, May 29th in the Ebke grove one mile west of DeWitt on north side of Turkey Creek.  Every body is invited.  Games and amusements with a big basket dinner is the program.  Ball games before and after dinner.

We believe that every organization should have a publicity committee, when publicity is wanted.  As an illustration we just heard that the Volunteer Fireman had a banquet a couple of weeks ago, to which the members of the Village board were invited.  

Clatonia News Items

Miss Naomi Lohmeyer of Lincoln, Nebr., a former resident of this town visited the latter part of the week with friends and relatives.

Elmer Vonderfecht was taken to Lincoln last Wednesday and operated on at one of the hospitals.  He is doing very nicely.

Miss Marie Rohe, who has been living in Omaha for some time was brought to Lincoln last week to one of the hospitals for treatment.

The school play "Her Honor the Mayor" put on last Saturday evening by the Junior Class of the high school, was greeted with a full house and the work done was exceptionally good and the audience was well pleased.  The little folks from the primary room put on a few songs between acts which made a great hit with the audience.

Mrs. Henry Rohop had the misfortune to lose her pocket book containing $57, while on her way to town last Saturday morning.

Mrs. Kyle from Canada arrived Saturday morning to attend the funeral of her brother, Frank Roscoe.

Rev. L. D. Burham, Assistant pastor of the Trinity church of Lincoln will fill the pulpit of the First M. E. Church at this place next Sunday morning, for Rev. Scott, who will preach at the Trinity Church, Lincoln, at the same hour. 

Rev. Hermand, Dist. Supt. of Lincoln held quarterly services at the Salem M. E. Church Sunday evening.

Next Friday being the last day of school for this term, a community picnic will be held and every body is invited to come.

The Night Hawk Orchestra from DeWitt gave a dance in the Clatonia Hall last Wednesday evening which was well attended."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Treasure Chest Thursday - John & Ruth Negley, Not Available in Kodachrome

These "pictures" of my Third Great Grandparents John and Ruth Negley are photocopies of photocopies of I don't know how-many-times-removed from the original sketches.   A fellow researcher sent them to me several years ago and I'm very grateful to have them.  They are probably the best I can hope for.  Photographs may have been against their religion.  I haven't found any mention of a church affiliation for the Negley's until their son Josiah Negley was married in the Methodist church in Illinois, which may have been his wife's church.  John's Great Grandfather, Hans Rudolph Negley, was a member of the Ephrata Cloister in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, a strict religious community.  The Foster family were mostly Methodists.  When John and Ruth married in Pennsylvania, they may have gone with either a Dunkard or Pennsylvania Dutch denomination or possibly Methodist.  They may not have stayed with the same church as they moved to Illinois, then Iowa.

Ruth Foster Negley has half of a chapter devoted to her in the book "The History of the Foster Family", (1902) written by D. I. Foster -- she shares a chapter with her brother Josiah.  Her parents were Richard Lewis Foster and Charity Johnstone.   An exerpt from the book about Ruth: 
"When she was ten years old that "Hog Pen" school house was built and she got some little schooling.  She went to school to "Praying Pascoe" a celebrated teacher of the time who knew much more about using the rod than teaching the rule of three.  Our grandfather, the late Thomas Foster, told the writer many years ago that this man Pascoe would compel one of the pupils to return thanks at noon each day and it was recognized fact that the larger the boy the poorer the thanks.  Ruth Foster grew to girlhood on the mountain, and we are told that even in early girlhood, she evinced an aptitude for caring for the sick, and was the solace of many a sick room."  
"Another thing Ruth Negley could say, she was named for a great aunt, Ruth Foster Lewis, who was born in Massachusetts about 1730 and died in Madison county, Ohio about 1820.  The first female Foster child that our family have any record of." 
Ruth is also said to be an Aunt of Stephen Collins Foster, the song writer who wrote "My Old Kentucky Home", "Oh Susanna" and others, but I haven't found that exact connection yet.

With John I don't have as much success finding his name in print online anywhere.  Better access to land records would be great.  Again, from the book by Foster: 
"John Negley laid a warrant on a piece of land about three miles north of Hopewell, Pa., where he built a house and where the young couple started house-keeping and where several of their children were born.  The writer lived on this old farm from April 1st, 1858, to April 1st, 1867.  About 1850 John Negley and family moved from Broad Top Mountains over into Woodcock Valley, settling on the north bank of the Juniata River about three miles from Saxton, Pa., where they resided until the Autumn of 1863, when they sold out and moved to Buda, Bureau Co., Illinois, where Mrs. Negley had two sisters living, Mrs. Thomas Horton and Mrs. Septimus Horton.  Here the family resided for about ten years, and the Buda people will bear us out when we say that they were splendid people.  Here most of their children were married.
In the spring of 1873 the family again pulled up stakes and this time set their tent in Decatur Co., Iowa, where they resided until death claimed the old people.  Uncle John Negley died December 8th, 1884, aged 75 years, 10 months and 15 days.  Ruth Foster Negley died December 27th, 1895, aged 87 years, 6 months and 23 days.  She was the last child of R. L. Foster and wife to depart this life..."
There is another book that I want to add to my old trunk in the attic someday written by Floyd R. Negley, "Negley, USA History & Genealogy" (1986).  I was given copies of the pages from the book that cover my ancestors.  In this book, Mr. Negley pretty much echoes the same information that D. I. Foster had:  
"John and Ruth started farming near Broadtop in Bedford County, but around 1850 they moved into Woodcock Valley and settled on the north bank of the Juniata River about three miles from Saxton, Pennsylvania.  In the fall of 1863 they sold that property and moved to Buda, Bureau County, Illinois where two of Ruth's sisters were living.  John and Ruth lived there for about ten years and most of their children were married in that area.  In the spring of 1873, the family moved again, this time to Decatur County, Iowa where they resided until their deaths."
Jacob Negley and Phoebe Hale were John's parents.  Jacob lived his entire life in the same area.  Phoebe was born in Virginia, and with her family, escaped to Pennsylvania to avoid Indian wars.  They are buried in St Paul's UCC Church Cemetery, Russellville, PA.

John was a Farmer in census records from 1860-1880, listed as a "Laborer" in 1850. Probably a farm laborer.  He was a few years too old to serve in the Civil War.  His son David served in the 76th Regiment, Co. E, Pennsylvania Infantry. 

John & Ruth were married September 15, 1836 in Bedford County, celebrating 48 years together before John's death.  Seven children were born to them, two sons died in infancy in Pennsylvania.
  • David Foster (1837-1917)
  • George (1839- died before 1850)
  • Susanna (1841-1922)
  • Amon (1842- died before 1850)
  • Catherine  (1843-1870) 
  • Josiah Foster  (1846-1922)
  • John Calvin  (1850-1916)
This marker is in the Decatur City Cemetery for John & Ruth.  It was placed many years after their deaths.  I checked visiting their grave off my bucket list this summer.